Tuesday, October 21, 2008

How to Play Classroom Games

One of the highlights of teaching at BKC is the level of supplementary teacher training on offer. For instance: at the moment I am attending a series of workshops on teaching teenage students. Topics covered included: pacing, how to induce discipline, and, last week, classroom games. That workshop was little more than a bunch of grown-up teachers playing a range of children's games.
I questions the personal relevance of a "games" workshop; my teen class only every want to play Emo-Band Hangman anyway. However, most of the games that we played in the workshop were fairly fun, and I'll be trialling them all in class, with one exception.

The exceptional game is played thus: everyone writes down three nouns. Half of the the class lines up along one wall of the room, and the other half along the opposite wall. Each student then pairs up with the student standing directly opposite them, and must YELL descriptions of their words across the room, thereby eliciting the words from their partner.

My partner started.

"__EY GRO_ O_ TREE_!"


"_ES! AN AN_M__ _OU KEE_ A_ A PE_!"

"A dog!"


"A cat!"

"_ES! __E BUIL_D__ IN __E CEN_RE O_ MO__OW!"

"The Kremlin!"


My turn. I chose to start with the easiest word I had.

"You get one of these when a large star exhausts the last of its fuel and collapses under the force its own gravity!"

I'm told that this game is fantastic for shy students. I can personally advise that it is not appropriate for overly nerdy students.


Anonymous said...

Why are there lettings missing? Is this also a game?

O Graeme Burns said...

I was trying to convey that, over the din of a classroom full of people yelling, I was only able to understand a small portion of what was being said.

Cage said...

This game would teach students to extrapolate and infer meaning from an incompletely heard sentance, yes?

From my experiances living in a country (and specific region) where there are as many foreign sounding english accents as there are bizzare rearrangements of sentances. this does not sound like an exercise suitable for beginner english speakers.

Prime example: "giv' i' me' ere", pronounced GIVih meEAR, meaning "give it me here". It took me, a native english speaker 4 tries and finally a series of hand gestures to understand. All i wanted to do was post a letter.